Foot Massage 足底按摩

Cross posted at

“I insist,” said a friend. “How can you live in Beijing for almost 3 years without experiencing it.” She sounded just like myself when I said to Maggie a couple of years ago, “You grew up in Beijing and never visited the Forbidden City?” So I sheepishly follow them into this dimly lit massage parlor.

Foot massage, that is.

Many Chinese believe in reflexological therapy. The general theories associate vital organs and circulation to areas on one’s feet. By stimulating the corresponding areas, one will heal or strengthen the associative organs. You can also diagnose by observing how areas of your feet react to massage actions.

The place is subtly decorated with staff quietly busying around. We were led to a room lined wtih easy chairs and foot stools. Soon, a waiter came in to confirm our services and take orders for drinks and foods (all complimentary). A few minutes after, 4 masseurs came in each with a wooden bucket of hot liquid. Flower petals float on the slightly colored water. It was scorching hot, yet soothing to soak your feet in. The masseurs then start work on our shoulders and backs. Knots that I did not know exist disappeared and tension from neck loosens. Just when I noticed the water is getting cold, the masseur took my feet out, wrap them with warm damp towels, and took out the bucket.

They came back and start working on my feet. With lubricant, she pressed, rub, pinched, or rolled pretty much every parts. It hurt a bit, but not too much. Some parts generate unfamilar sensations that are part itchy, part a bit pain, and part soothing. It was the “good hurt.” I found myself getting drowsy and becoming quiet.

Too soon, they stopped and bid us farewell. We stayed to finish our drink and chat. As the conversation ends, we put our shoes back on (I don’t want to) and left, very refreshed.

Hmm, I can get used to this…

“真没想到,”一个朋友十分诧异地问我,“你在北京住三年了竟然都没试过?”她的神情跟我两年前问 Maggie 时候的一模一样:“你从小在北京长大竟然没去过故宫?”于是我屁颠屁颠地跟着他们来到这个灯光昏暗的按摩店。




然后开始按摩脚。她用一点润滑油,开始对脚的每个部位压、搓、捏、揉。有一点疼,但还好。有的部位会有一种不熟悉的感觉 – 有点痒,又有点疼痛,但又有点舒服。真是”痛并快乐着” 。我发现自己慢慢开始昏昏欲睡,安静了下来。



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