Does it really?

Is recycling paper really more ecological? To recycle paper, used paper must go through some pretty intensive chemical processes that pollute heavily. In the meantime, people would plant less trees since demand decreases. Maybe the total number of trees would decrease if we recycle paper aggressively? Between the choices of planting trees, cutting down, and make them into new paper; versus not planting trees and recycle used paper, which one is better for the planet?

I heard that the majority of mink coats used fur harvested from farm minks that would have lived much more comfortable lives than their wild counter parts. If people stop buying mink coats, world mink population will decrease. I read that animal activists broke into a fur farm and released thousands of mink into the wild. Would those freed mink live longer or better?

By the way, if wearing mink coat is wrong, why are leather shoes OK?

Chinese use so, so many disposable chopsticks that trees and bamboos are planted just to make them. In a true sense, those trees and bamboos are farmed and no different than the vegetables and rice that people eat. They are natural, sustainable, and usually organic (it is too expensive not to be). The production process harmed no lives and does not pollute. What’s really wrong using them?

I get that waste is always wrong. It is not economical and usually not ecological. Other than that, was it scientifically established that Green is really better for Earth?

Actually, a geologist once told me, “Earth really does not care. Everything came from Earth and will return to her. Earth was here before Homo Sapiens, and will still be here long after.” So, it is not really saving Earth. Isn’t it?

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