What Happens to Japan?

Jared Diamond pondered on why society chose the path to demise. Biologically, all life forms exist to propagate their genes. If a society, without external interferences, enacted a deed that lead to its extinction, such decision would be highly unnatural. Sociologically, a community will be strange to choose a path that lead to poverty, slavery, irrelevancy, or other suffering for its offsprings.

Why would Japan, currently the 2nd biggest economic entity in the world, chose to do such thing?

New York Times reported that Japan is essentially evicting foreign workers. It is one of the countries least friendly to foreigner (GaiJin). You can live in Japan for decades, raising a family, speaking fluently, making good money, paying taxes, but not allowed a citizenship.

Not that this small country is teeming with youngsters. Japan suffers an aging population for years. It has an almost upside-down population pyramid: the result of having the lowest birth rate in the world, and living for a long, long time. Japanese live to the average 81.6 years, 4.5 years longer than Americans.

Let’s see. An island country that is aging, without much natural resources, used to rich life styles, and expeling immigrants. Wouldn’t this lead to the eventual collapse?

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