One Debate

It is quite a phenomenon that Carly Fiorina jousted herself to #2 with just one debate. Overall, this election is becoming more about entertainment.

That brings the uncomfortable question of how Americans choose their president. Seriously, if Donald Trump is the front-runner, for any party, the voters are clearly are not choosing a leader. They want someone who is “on their side” of the issues, no matter how irrational the “side” is.

When I was on a 40’ish minute long taxi ride, the driver opined that he will vote for any candidate that mandates $1000 cash distribution to all “poor” citizens. “Because we need money,” he said. “Isn’t that what the government is supposed to do? Help me?” He did not care about inflation, quantity easing, economic policies, 99%, etc. Those are just big words. All he needed/wanted was an extra $1000. Simple. If a politician is smart, he or she will fan sufficient emotional fire with some simple messages and get enough votes. Isn’t that what Donald Trump did?

Hey, 2016 may see the first female president for the US. That’s probably a good enough reason to design a new money for this country.

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