Man Salad

A salad feast that fill an 8″ bowl and satisfying as a meal. (Insert animalistic, Tim “the tool man” Taylor grunt.) Of course, man prepares man salads for men.

First get one of those Costco sorted mixed green box. There are also normal supermarket version. Does not matter.

Then consider the protein choices. I like tofu and cold cuts. Sometimes salmon or shrimps. Steak will be great. The best is to have a big steak the previous night, eat half, and use the second half, thinly sliced, for salad.

Starch is optional. Quinoa is in these days. Baked yams are excellent.

Fruits and colors are important. Slice peeled oranges and apples.

I like ripen Avocados. They gives a rich and creamy texture and flavor.

Now we consider aromatics and spices. Onions, green onions, black pepper, garlic (smashed). Bleu cheese or goat cheese are great too. Yes, I meant all of them.

For crunchy texture, roasted almond slices are my favorite.

Dressing? Equal part of extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar, a dole of mustard. Add a bit liquid. Whisk vigorously together.

Toss well. Serve with a nice glass of Chardonnay. Red wines do not go well with this.

Noticed any mention on portions? Man salads do not measure anything.

The general problem with this salad is the amount of time required for cutting so many things into the right size. This is where plastic containers are at their best. You can do all the cuttings and put them, separated, into containers. Then you essentially have your own salad bar at home.

When she asks what did you had for dinner. You answer, “Oh, I had a bowl of salad. (Another grunt!) Man salad.”

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