Ender’s Game

There is no spoiler in this post.

This has been near the top of my all-time favorite SciFi books. Orson Scott Card has also been near the top of my all-time favorite SciFi writers. Imagine why I don’t want to watch the movie. Rarely can the movie match the perception from the mind when reading the book.

Harrison Ford is really the deciding factor for me to go to this movie. I also waited several weeks. To make sure both the crowd has thinned out and the movie is not a disastrous disappointment. As a relative cheap-skate, I also picked the matineé game on Sunday.

And I really enjoyed it. Having read the book or not, this is a good movie.

The book reader will appreciate the imaging, the costume, and the visual of the battle training. The movie cut off much of the training and did a good job moving to the “command simulation” more quickly. The setup for that simulation was stunning and very enjoyable. I also like Abigail Breslin’s Valentine a lot, although that was a minor role. The ending was excellently done and was the only part that I think the book readers would have enjoyed even more.

Funny that, unlike Kids, I never read the sequels of Ender’s Game.

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