
While the world watched the video feed showing oil guzzling out from the bottom of Mexico Gulf, a small pipe bursted near Dailian, a seaport on the north-eastern corner of China. The amount of oil was minuscule compared to the BP disaster, but nature does not really need much to be ruined.

The Big Picture blog, one of my favorites, showed stunning pictures. This is one of them.

This reminds me all those millions of migrant workers that built modern China. This is a country that millions usually just shut-up and do the jobs. They come home dirty, tired, still poor, and with the jobs done. Farmers, in every countries, are like that. They go out in the morning, do a day’s hard works, and come home at the end of the day. Jobs were done, no need to talk about it. Let’s just eat and have a drink to that.

What really made modern China!

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