Old People Flicks

This generation that defined American’s tastes and styles is now old. Unfortunately, the new ones, call them X, Y, post-80, whatever, has not taken over the most important reign: money. No wonder entertainment industries still try to wring the last billions out of us, the baby boomers.

Up in the Air, a movie by George Clooney, tells the story of a man who travels over 320 days a year, for over 10 years. The poignant part of the movie was when he explained how all the happy memories are with people and he had none. This is like Lost in Translation: about the sadness of a lonely old man.

Several years ago, I glanced, from the doorway, into that lifestyle. Those membership status were earned with the most precious commodity of all: part of the life. Those black, silver, gold membership cards are badges of hardwork and achievements. The flip side of those glamorous perks — priority queues, preferential treatments, discounts, etc. — is a sad life-style that is unhealthy, exhausting, and lonely.

It’s Complicated was wonderfully written, rich, and satisfying. Meryl Streep certainly was a charming old woman. Unlike Julie and Julia, she was giggling and easily-overwhelmed in this one like a hormone-infused teenager, only in her 50s. It is officially a chick-flick when the only nude scene was Alec Baldwin’s. There were several LOL scenes that had everyone thumping their feet or slapping their thighs. The kids are also wonderfully played, particularly the future brother-in-law. Over-all, this movie was quite enjoyable.

I never quite understood the toll of a divorce; every one of my divorced friends exhibited its weight. I do see its effects on children. The movie set a good guideline: be honest with them. Kids need to deal with the divorce like their parents. Don’t make it worse.

Maybe I should check out options for my sagging eye lids too?

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