The Ultimate Suit

Even Michael Phelps cannot outswim the suit. The international swimming officials now want to outlaw those hi-tech swim suits so that athletes can compete on their own talents, instead technology or funding. The ideology could be right, but the money is not. The swim suit industry stands to lose big and that is not good for the sport. I propose two options for the industry to consider. Note that they are not mutually exclusive.

  • Sprayed-on: It is the body wrapper. Put on your standard whatever look-good suit. Pay $100 and stand in the paint stall before the competition. A high-tech film will cover your entire body and make you as smooth as fish. It also add a tiny bit of buoyancy, but no one will notice.

    The film is warm water solvable. When you hit shower, it melts and flows down the drain.

  • The Jet Pump: This suit has many tiny tubes along the motion line. As the athlete moves, water naturally flow into them. The muscular actions will squeeze them out and create tiny jets that help propel the swimmer.

    The suits are graded on their propelling power and amateur athletes compete based on a handicap system, similar to golf. Professionals will all use the same and there is no issue.

    Note that the spray-on will plug all tubes and essentially remove propulsion. Just wash your suit in hot water after the competition.

The idea is to enable commercialism in sports, not suffocating them. Money makes thriving sports. Don’t forget that.

This post is sponsored by Swimwear.

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