Definitively Maybe 《绝对,也许》

Definitively Maybe

Ryan Reynolds and Abigail Breslin

Pub. Date: 14 February 2008

Cross posted at

What a cute movie! Romantic comedies ran out of originality long time ago. Of course, they are never meant to be. The formula includes the chemistry, the tug-of-war of characters, some situation-comedy, and just enough sappy emotion to earn this genre the alternative name of chick-flick.

Ryan Reynolds and Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine) play a divorced father and daugther. The story starts when she insisted to know his past relationships; he obliged but turned it into a game. Both the little girl and the audience kept on asking, “What next?” As the story unfolds, it gets a bit strange that a daughter can be so obsessive about her father’s past. “Why is she so into this?” A little voice inside gets louder and building up the anticipation.

And that’s the gripping part of this movie: part plot and part acting. Every characters is likeable but the little girl was the best.

Not an ordinary chick-flick.



瑞安·雷诺兹和“阳光小美女”阿比吉尔·布莱斯林分饰离异的父亲威尔和十几岁的女儿玛雅。故事的起因是玛雅不停地询问爸爸过去的罗曼史,威尔无奈之下只好同意,但把它变成了一场别有趣味的猜谜游戏。引人入胜的剧情引领着观众同玛雅一起不停的追问:“后来呢?”当故事逐渐展开,你会对玛雅的行为感到不解, “为什么她对老爸的过去如此感兴趣?”困惑感油然而生,对结局的期待也愈发强烈。



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