Superbowl in Beijing

What a game! SuperBowls historically are boring. Guacamole, tortilla chips, pizzas, and, of course, lots of beers kept us in the game. SuperBowl party is as much as an excuse to ignore all social or dietary rules as a serious sport event.

This one is different, a nail biter, a shouter, a surprise, and worth every guacamole and chips. I carefully computed the time difference and woke up early searching for the game. ESPN, Star Sports, or other usual US channels all doing something else. Eventually, I found a Japanese channel that carried the game live.

Here I am, watching SuperBowl at 6am with Japanese commentaries with a tolerating and wife trying not to wake up.

Contrary to its name, American Football is really closer to Rugby than Soccer. The objective of the offending side is to advance the ball until it enters the end-zone. It has 4 opportunities to move forward 10 yards. If successful, it gets another 4 chances. Otherwise, it must yield the possession of the ball to the other side.

The players wear protective gears underneath the uniforms to make them look super-humanly strong. The helmets and the general atmosphere make it like a battle.

And a battle it was. New England Patriots entered the game with a historical perfect record of 18 wins and zero losses. Tom Brady, its quarterback, is experienced and in his prime. The game looks all but claimed before it started. Soon, Patriots was ahead 7 to 3. It looks like another boring game.

By the 4th quarter, New York Giant scores a touch-down and was ahead 10 to 7. No problem, Tom Brady coolly threw a touch-down and New England was ahead, again, 14 to 10. New York had less than 3 minutes left. Quarterback Eli Manning needed to score, quickly. He used up all 3 time-outs, miraculously connected with his wide receivers, and dramatically made a touch-down with 35 seconds left for Tom Brady to perform his magic. He needed more than that and left Arizona without a SuperBowl ring.

好球赛。 超级杯历史上都没什么看头。 鳄梨酱,玉米片,pizza,还有当然的啤酒留住了观众。 超级杯聚会是男生们大玩大吃的借口,而不见得是个体育节目。
这场不同了:紧张,刺激,大呼小叫,惊叹不已。太值那鳄梨酱和玉米片了。 我早早算好了时差,起大早,开始找电视台。ESPN, Star Sports, 其他美国电台居然都没, 最后在个日本台找到了。


所谓美式足求,更像英式橄榄球,不像足球。 攻方要把球推进禁区,每回有四次机会推进10码。 如果成功,就再一回四次,不然球得让给对方。

球员在球衣下戴着护具, 鼓的像超人般。 头盔及气氛把这赛事扇成个战场。

好个战。 新英格兰爱国者队带着有史的全18胜的战绩。四分卫Tom Brady技高胆大, 又有江湖经验, 这杯看是手到擒来。 一开赛,爱国者队7比3领先,看来又是场无趣球了。

不料,第四节纽约巨人队达阵,10比7赢。 不慌,Tom Brady丢个达阵,板回14比10。 巨人队剩不到3分钟。 四分卫Eli Manning如有神助, 用掉3个暂停, 如神般的传到了接球员手中, 再戏剧化的达阵。 他留了35秒给Tom Brady变魔术,可是变不出来。 伤心离开亚利桑那州, 手上没带个新的超级杯戒指。

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