I rarely have writer’s blocks on concepts; it is the mincing of words that stumped me. I envy those who have proses flowing out of the keyboard effortlessly. To me, chiseling on granite.

It seems fitting to commemorate the passing of 2007 with a blog. What exactly to write stomped me for days. The year was a big motion blur. I never had time to reflect and digest what happened.

My travel spreadsheet shows that I made 13 international trips in 2007 (and several China domestic ones). It is really profoundly pathetic that one has a travel spreadsheet. Thirteen trips translate to an average of alternating 18 days at home and 10 on the road. I am always away from my family. I became chemically dependent on sleeping while traveling. I ate unhealthy foods (weakened will power) and exercised much less when traveling. On the bright side, I blogged regularly and read much more too.

This is the milestone 1st empty nester year. The younger daughter cut her hair short and spread her wings to a US college. She left behind much to tidy up and an eerie empty echo in her room. The well-made bed and uncluttered carpet startled me at first. It took a while to remember there is no longer a teenager living there. I will call her to dinner only to swallow the sound half-way. This is fine. We did this once with the older one. It will pass, in few decades.

Several vacational trips with friends and family are so precious. All of us are coming of ages now. Weakened muscles, slack skins, and senility are common to us. Few drinks at the dinner will find us all snoozed at the sofa. The two most talked about topics are investment and chronic diseases. Hey, lives are good. Let’s play “When I’m 64” instead of “Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da.”

China quickened her already break-neck speed growth; work intensified few notches up. My flight schedule is a clear indicator. As I rooted deeper in China, every trip back to US felt less like going home. I may be approaching that invisible point of no return. This is a bit scary.

2008 scares me. I can feel its enormity and speed. I am not prepared for 2008. Then again, nor was I 12 months ago.

我少有灵感枯竭时,倒是常半天捻不出个好词。 最羡慕下笔成章的人。 对我而言, 是一字一字刻竹简。


我出差的spreadsheet算出来今年出国13趟(还有几趟国内的)。 有个出差的spreadsheet就已经是悲惨世界了。 13趟,平均是家里18天,在外10天。 总见不到家人。 睡觉要靠化学。吃得不健康(没毅力了),也不锻炼。 从好处看吧, 网格写的勤,书也读多了点。

今年是有史第一个空巢年。 小女儿剪短了头发,伸伸翅,飞去美国念大学。 她留下一屋给我们收拾, 是间怪怪空荡的房间。 看到铺好的床,干净的地毯,会觉得奇奇怪怪的。 恍然, 没人住当然不乱了。 叫她吃饭, 赶把声咽下。 没事。 大的几年前也离家了, 几十年就会习惯的。

难得几次朋友一起休假。 大家都老了。 肌肉衰退,皮肤松弛,糊途恍惚。 晚饭来几杯, 过会纷纷睡倒在沙发上了。 谈来谈去,不是投资,就是长期病痛。好嘞! 听歌要放 “When I’m 64” 而不是 “Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da.”

中国的经济成长得比提速车更快了。工作上比去年更紧张些,出差的频率就是最好的指标。 我在中国的根,一天天的扎深,回美也一次次不像回家了。那不归点一天天逼近。心里真有点却意。

对2008,来的又快又猛,我还没准备好,还真有点怕怕。 可是想想去年此时,不也一样。

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