Genome: ISBN 0-06-093290-2, Matt Ridley

Am I a computer that is running a digitally written program called genome? No. I am a battlefield where genes fight for their own propagation. These genes do not really care for my well-being, they are cold and ruthless collections of proteins that use me. Just use me!

Wait a moment, I am merely a collection of proteins. Then, how do I think? Where is my soul? Do I really have free-will, or that is an illusion generated by the manipulator who crafted these genes?

These are unreal and hauting thoughts similar to Matrix, the movie. Only more real.

Matt Ridley is opinionated and convincing. He is not even trying to be fair. The best chapter is named “X and Y,” in which he described how genes fight for their own propagation. The pontifications on fatalism and determinism were clearly over-done, but he is also not apologizing.

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