A World Perspective 细心看世界

Always have facts with you. Visionaries and pundits dazzle you with grand predictions or scare you with warnings of dire consequences. You need facts for perspectives.

Find the most populous and prosperous countries in the world, and remove those only on one list. Most countries dropped off. For about 30 countries on both lists, they represent about 70% of world population and 85% of the economic production. Yes, like other markets, the world observes the 20/80 rule too: a small number of countries dominate the majority of the economic activities.

The USA is weaker, but only compared to itself several years ago. This mighty country is far and beyond the wealthiest one. Its GDP at about 32 trillions (all GDP numbers are in US dollars) is about 3 times bigger than Japan, the 2nd one on the list. The USA is 4.5 bigger than Germany, almost 5 times bigger than China, 13.4 Russian, and 14.6 India. Have no doubt. The USA will still be the #1 for several decades to come.

We all know that China and India have lots of people. Their combined 2.4 billion people (1.3 and 1.1 respectively) is about 37% of the world population. The USA, the 3rd most populous country, has about 300 millions people: less than a quarter of China.

In terms of individual productivity, the picture changes drastically. Americans, on average, produce, over 44k of value every year. For all practical purposes, it is a good substitute for their average income. UK, Canada, Australia, France, Japan, Italy, and Spain are roughly in the same league with Spainairds doing about 63% of their US counter-parts. Russians produce about $7,000 every year, Chinese $2,000, and Indians $800. Average Indians make 2% of Americans and Chinese 5%. China and India literally make up with volume. Each of their citizens make very little, but the countries produce a lot.







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